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NC State Thespian Society Festival
The NC State ITS Jr. Festival (ITF) will take place Saturday, February 12, 2022.
**This event will be attended in-person and all "Thespy" events will be performed on-site.
There will be a ITF State Festival Interest Meeting in December 2021.
The International Thespian Society (ITS) North Carolina Festival is an event that our junior troupe, Troupe 89583, attends each fall in Greensboro, NC. At the festival, we watch one-act show competitions, participate in workshops, have a giant theatre-kid dance party, and have students who compete individually with Thespys (formerly called "IE"s or individual events).
If you are interested in competing with a Thespy - a musical theatre song, contrasting monologues, or duet scene - talk to Mr. Graves or Mrs. Rossi about the piece you'd like to submit.
FAQs about Thespys can be found by clicking on the ITS Website button below.
2019 Festival Gallery - Greensboro, NC
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